Hafiz Abdulmanan
About Me
Hey ! I am HAFIZ ABDULMANAN. I am a computer Sceince problem solver. I am doing my bachelor degree in CS from PUCIT which is a renowned university of CS field. I am a full stack developer and always keep myself in the learning stage to get updated myself in latest technlogies. Previously I have been working in C++,Html,Css,Js etc. I have also been learning BLockchain and penetration testing. My github, social media profiles are all listed here. My recent projects is also listed below. You surely contact me if you have any queries.
I will be happy to work for you.
Thanks for reading !
A very beautiful layout of calculator written in js. The complete layout is grid based and coded entirely in scss formet css.
Hack Assembler
This is a Nand-to-Terris assembler that converts hack assembly language to its mechine code. I have used map datastructure to map assemly language. This project is written entirely in C++
Paper Rock Scissor Game
Following YT I have coded this game in vanilla HTML,CSS JS.
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